HOCK CHUAN HWA TRADING is a company that supplies a wide range of quality Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) product. Our head office is situated in Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia. We provide the best quality of life through accessible healthcare, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine wisdom. Feel free to browse through our website for more details.
HOCK CHUAN HWA TRADING 是一家提供各种优质中医药产品的公司。我们的总部位于马来西亚吉打州的双溪大年。本公司以传统中医智慧为基础,通过无障碍医疗提供最佳的生活质量。欢迎浏览我们的网站,了解更多详情。
HOCK CHUAN HWA TRADING is a company that supplies a wide range of quality Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) products. We promise the quality of our products, the best price, and understanding the specific needs of our customers. Kindly contact us now for more details.
C31-32, Jalan Indah Dua, Taman Sejati Indah, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia.
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